Friday, June 10, 2016

Amanda Hilgart

Amanda Hilgart

1. a breeding place or colony of gregarious birds or animals, as penguins and seals.

2. 524 E Main St. Madison, WI; 2011-20.. Was it 12?; rotating occupants including, but not limited to: Amanda HilgartChase FritzBrian HedbergCollin Schwantes and Lucas Benford.

It was affordable housing in the middle of the city, 
You could still sense the tenants past. 
A spiraling staircase made the place look pretty, 
Pity you all moved out so fast.
I wasn't even on the lease back then, 
But always found myself at the Rook. 
I bet you've moved on up with your husband and all;
Ya'll are too cute for college nooks.
I still remember the time I opened up the fridge and saw a packet of uncooked bear,
The bear you shot with your bare hands. Fierce women like you are rare. 
Game of Thrones was coming to life within the Rookery's tall, cold walls.
I recall serving raw meat to our friends and only some were actually appalled.
But out of the folks around the world I've met, you seem to a special connection, 
To the flying, the crawling, waddling and squawking survivors of natural selection.
The affection you show with your studies, even clothes, your jobs and outdoor hobbies, 
It's infectious, it gets my urban mind restless to spend some time with the birds and the bees. 
Literally (please). 
So I've got to hope you're taking care of yourself, doing things you love to do.
But if you forget or maybe you get upset, go outside and let you be you!

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